- Use my Journal/Planner
- I started using the Bullet journal method in September, and up until December I was great at using it! I just haven't been taking the 5 or 10 minutes a day to set it up and use it and I have found that if I don't have my plan written down for the week or the day that I really just don't do it
- Walk at least 10,000 steps weekdays and at least 8,000 on weekends
- I start a pedometer challenge at work tomorrow; the last week we've been 'calibrating' and I can easily get to 8-9000 during the week and hit about 5-6000 yesterday and it looks like that's where I'm headed today. I want to push myself a bit harder - to make better decisions regarding walking places/taking the stairs so wanted to add a couple extra steps to my goals. I did hit 12,000 on Monday when I walked home and picked up Lily for a walk after work, so I think 10,000 is reasonable
- Set our Minimize Schedule
- Hubby has started reading and following some of the Minimalist blogs/books that I have and is starting to "buy-in" to what I'm hoping to accomplish from a "things" perspective in our home - this week when we sit down to do our weekly goals class, we are going to write out a list and start setting out a schedule of how to simplify and clean our home!
What do you find helpful for setting (and attaining) your goals?
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