
My 2015 Resoultions

After my blabbering yesterday regarding my process in deciding my resolutions, I figured I better share them!  They aren't quite fine tuned yet - I start my goal setting workshop on Wednesday to help with the goal setting part of that - but what I've decided to focus on this years falls within two categories...Less and More.
  • Of me! Yes, I continue on my weight loss journey, which I have now learned (after losing 60 lbs in 2008, and since then putting that 60 and 20 more back on...) is a life long journey and requires constant work.
  • Stuff!  I've always believed we leave a minimalist life, that by proxy of living in a condo we lived much more simpler that others...nope...as we moved a truckload of stuff between storage rooms, and more recently removing FIVE boxes of stuff being not used in the condo to said storage unit - I realized how much stuff we really do have.  Not only do I want to purge what I have, but I want to learn to want less as well (I have a slight love of shoes and stationary)  And not only less physical stuff, but less "life" stuff - learning the differences between needs/wants/musts
  • Stress! Self explanatory, and usually self induced.
  • Plugged in!  I LOVE technology - and I am probably overly addicted to it (Plants vs. Zombies anyone?).  I was a late to the cell phone person, however, since getting my first iPhone a couple years ago, I am more attached to it then I every expected....
  • Words!  I talk all to much...I often have verbal diarrhea and probably over share with most people.  I want what I say to mean more, not just be filler because I'm anxious, and silence is an anxious person's biggest foe.
  • Time!  I can't add hours to the day, but I know I can live my hours better
  • Presence!  I'm a victim of feeling the need to "capture" everything on camera, video, etc.  however I've also learned that this limits my ability to be present in the moment and enjoy what's going on.
  • Grateful!  I'm thinking this will go hand in hand with my wanting less stuff and stress - I want to be more appreciative and enjoy what I have
  • Relationships! I want to continue to work on my relationships.  Make a point of picking up the phone and calling people, dropping a letter or card in the mail, going for coffee.  Just spending more time with the important people in my life.
  • Thought!  To go along with my "less words" goal - I want what I say to be more meaningful, I really want to be able to listen to what others are saying (without thinking about what I'm going to say next), and be more thoughtful in my responses.
  • Patience!  I've been working in my own time to learn that everything isn't going to get done today.  This for me is the hardest resolution/goal/want for 2015.  It's also most likely why I struggle with maintaining resolutions (and why last year I set 47 goals).  I want everything NOW  and if things are moving to slowly (according to me) I get overwhelmed and shut down.
I think these overall "resolutions" - or promises to myself are good overriding themes for the year.  When I get more into my specific goals, I feel that each of these resolutions will be an inspiration to keep working at the smaller goals.  For the first time in a long time I am feeling good and ready to set forth.  I'm ok with only working on one or two things at a time.  I've accepted that not everything goes to plan, and I will work to be flexible in that, and to not let a bump in the road derail me for the entire goal.
Patience quotes
What are your resolutions for the year?  Be kind and patient with yourself!

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