
Menu Plan February 1- 7

Since one of my major goals has been around eating healthier, I thought I would share a some of our menu for this week (Dinners anyway!)  Here we go!
Sunday Roasted Beet and Arugula Salad from the Roasted Root
Monday Broccoli and Cauliflower Bisque from Peta.org with Pilsbury Biscuits
Tuesday Lentil Loaf from the Simple Veganista, steamed veggies
Wednesday - Tortilla Pizzas from Oh She Glows, sautéed swiss chard with garlic and chili flakes
Thursday - Breaded tofu strips, oven fries (using Epicure Rosemary and Garlic oven fry spice) and steamed veggies
Friday Veggie Chili (my own recipe, and seriously dependent on what is left over in the fridge for veggies!)
Dessert Coconutchocolate chip cookies seriously the best chocolate chip cookies I have made!  Soooo Yummy!  From the Well-Traveled wife and found on Pinterest
Lunches are usually left overs from the night before, and I make veggie and fruit packs up for the week for snacks in our lunches!

Next week, I hope to share my menu and grocery planning worksheets with you along with the menu!

Take Care,


Accomplishments so Far....

I've figured it's time to give an update on my first few weeks of goals...
  • Get up at 6am every weekday (and without snooze)
    • I've been doing this for 15 days now - and there has only been one day where I got up, grabbed my phone from the kitchen and reset the alarm for 630 - otherwise I have been up at 6am the other 14 days
    • Benefits I've found!
      • This past week, I've been waking up before the alarm, so the alarm hasn't been so jarring when it goes off.  I find I wake up 5-10 minutes earlier on my own, and so I can start waking up in bed.
      • My morning isn't so rushed - I can actually get up, make breakfast and drink a coffee before I need to start readying for the day ahead.
  • "Clean Up" My Fridge and Cupboard
    • I've eliminated almost all dairy/animal products - this has been a bit slower than I'd thought, because I've been surprised at how many thing do have animal bi-products in them - and we had just bought a bunch of dairy cheese in the states in December (it's way cheaper down there) so we are still working through that.  As well, I've been working to eliminate a lot of processed foods, and replacing them by making my own - I've made granola bars, flavoured oatmeal, and several different vegan loaves as a substitute for desserts and snacks I would usually have bought pre-packaged.
  • Start the Simplify 101 Goal Workshop - With Hubby
    • We have done this each Wednesday for the past three weeks - we stretched out the second class across three weeks because we felt like it was a lot of work to manage in just one and to actually do an honest job of completing the class assignments.  We are currently working on categorizing our list of "dreams" we created in week one, and choosing 1-7 to create into goals.
  • Exercise Three Times
    • I'm on Day 7 of C210K (which means I ran three times each the past two weeks), which is exactly where I need to be - I'm surprised at how much I enjoy running on the track or even on the treadmill - I like that the app lets me slowly build up my tolerance and increases my run/walk ratio.  
  • Start the 30 Day Vegan Diet
    • so this is where I would say I haven't exactly met my goal of being completely vegan for 30 days.  I'm still making my way through the book, and am learning a lot about how to not only eat vegan, but just "cleaner" and healthier in general - however, I've learned I'm not quite ready to make the dive into vegan 24/7 - really just with regard to eating out.  I've conceded - or really I have made the decision to be vegan at home - to do all my cooking vegan.  A book I discovered (and have downloaded and yet to read) is "VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00 to Lose Weight and Restore Your Health . . . for Good" by Mark Bittman.  From researching the book online, and reading a snippet of it, it seems to fit where I am at with regard to my eating habits.
  • Go to bed with a Tidy House
    • We've been specifically trying to pay attention to this the past two weeks, and it's another one where Sunday-Thursday we've done well.  It seems by the time Friday comes we've petered out and just want to relax and so dishes end up not done, and blankets not folded, bed unmade until Sunday when we get ready for the upcoming week - still some work to go on this front!
I have to say I am pretty happy with my progress so far - I feel that this very small realistic changes in my life are the best way to work on pursuing and reach my goals.

What do you find works for you to reach your goals?



Weekly Plan Jan 25-31

Whew!  Time flies!  Hard to believe that January is already in it last week!  And I lost a week of blogging last week too!  Wow!  I didn't feel that busy, but I also don't think I used my time to the best of my ability...it was one of those weeks where once the "need to do's" were done, it was hard to get motivated to do the "want to do's".  On that note...my plan for this week!
  •  Use my Journal/Planner
    • I started using the Bullet journal method in September, and up until December I was great at using it!  I just haven't been taking the 5 or 10 minutes a day to set it up and use it and I have found that if I don't have my plan written down for the week or the day that I really just don't do it
  • Walk at least 10,000 steps weekdays and at least 8,000 on weekends
    • I start a pedometer challenge at work tomorrow; the last week we've been 'calibrating' and I can easily get to 8-9000 during the week and hit about 5-6000 yesterday and it looks like that's where I'm headed today.  I want to push myself a bit harder - to make better decisions regarding walking places/taking the stairs so wanted to add a couple extra steps to my goals.  I did hit 12,000 on Monday when I walked home and picked up Lily for a walk after work, so I think 10,000 is reasonable
  • Set our Minimize Schedule
    • Hubby has started reading  and following some of the Minimalist blogs/books that I have and is starting to "buy-in" to what I'm hoping to accomplish from a "things" perspective in our home - this week when we sit down to do our weekly goals class, we are going to write out a list and start setting out a schedule of how to simplify and clean our home!
That's what I'm planning on this week.  I've been finding that setting three specific goals a week, with a concrete plan for each, has been making what I've set out to do seem much more reasonable and reachable.  In the next few days look for my update post on my goals from the previous two weeks!

What do you find helpful for setting (and attaining) your goals?



Weekly Plan January 11 - 17

A bit late in the week - but I still wanted to share the goals I've been working on this week
1. Exercise Three Times
  • I have been doing the "Couch to 5K" program/app from ZenLabs approximately 3 months (the program is 8 weeks - I've been managing 2 runs a week up until now).  This week I started the C210K program, with a goal of running three times a week - which is what the demands of he program are. 
  • My long term running goal is to participate in the Police Half Marathon 2 person relay with a friend in May!  We are both new-er to running, and are working as each others motivation and reminders to run and keep on track for our goal!
2. Start the 30 Day Vegan Diet
  •  I had a great grocery shop on Saturday in addition to the Fresh Box food we received on Wednesday - my fridge is packed to the brim with fruits and veggies and whole foods!  I did some prep work for the week on Sunday to help encourage us to make better decisions for snacks and "the munchies"
  • I used recipies from the 30 Day Vegan Book, from the Food Network App, and Also from the Oh She Glows Cookbook and Website.
3. Go to bed with a Tidy House
  • Working full time, getting to the gym, and cooking at home, by the time the end of the evening comes, sometimes the house is pretty out of order, and the motivation to work on cleaning the house is not always at the top of the list of want to do!  We're going to take the 10 minutes before we get to bed and do a quick "clean" to prep for the next day - Becoming Minimalist Blog outlines 10 small things to tidy up before bed!
That's it for today!!


The Unhealthy Vegetarian

I confess, I am an unhealthy vegetarian.  Honestly, I assumed once I made the choice to be vegetarian, I would automatically become healthier and skinnier (at least that’s how it played out in my head…).    I became a vegetarian in June of 2012 – I’d been having some major “belly” troubles (irritable bowel syndrome) for nearly 6 years by that time, and my doctor had suggested cutting out certain items in my diet to see the effect on my stomach.  It started out with eliminating red meat which did make me feel way better, though I would continue to sneak it in at times, but I continued to struggle.  I had started to generally cook less with meat, but meat remained a major part of my diet.  Honestly, I made the decision to  “be vegetarian for a month” as a challenge with a friend after reading Skinny Bitch, and watching Food Inc on the Netflix.  Not only was I disturbed by the pictures and visuals of the treatment of animals, but also on how much our food in general has been modified, modified and modified. 
That month was June 2012, and after I had made the month - (and oh - my dear friend did not…;), I was really feeling better digestively, but also energy wise, and  my skin was looking better than it ever has.  I think I was so successful that month, because I really decided to educate myself on the effects of meat on our digestion, effects of the hormones we inject into animals to create “more” meat on them, and also on what I could eat as a vegetarian to ensure I continued to get the nutrients I needed.  I began reading labels more (did you know most marinara sauces have some form of a fish bi-product in them???), read books like Eat Clean Diet Recharged by Tosca Reno and started following a few blog like Oh She Glows and Clean Eating Chelsea.  And I worked at it.  I discovered it is definitely harder to meal plan and cook as a vegetarian than not - I was really finding it more inconvenient, and more difficult to maintain the healthy eating part, then when I could defer to a chicken breast and steamed veggies for a healthy supper.
Slowly over time, I continued to eliminate meat from my diet, but the healthy way of eating vegetarian became less and less...then winter hit.  The time where hibernation begins to sound like a wonderful idea, vegetables and fruits start to lose that great summer flavor, and all my body craves is CARBS CARBS CARBS….and well, carbs are vegetarian – choices changed from salads to pastas; from squash to potatoes; from wild rice to french fries. I would almost call myself a "non meat eater" versus a vegetarian as of late, as my food choices have honestly not consisted of that many "vegetables".....

Over the last few months, I've spent time reading and exploring again.  Trying to re-educate myself on better food decisions to help create life change and not necessarily a "diet". I've re read Eat Clean Recharged, and am working my way through the 30 Day Vegan Challenge, and also signed up for the Fresh Organic Options Delivery service here in Winnipeg to help get some fresh (and different) veggies to our door.
I'm officially starting the 30 day challenge tomorrow - I read the first 10 days of the book to help me prepare and get my mind around things again, so will extend my challenge past the 30 days of the book.  I'm also pretty excited for the challenge.  To get out of my habits and start thinking again of what it is I'm putting in my body - and to start making new, healthier habits!


Weekly Plan January 4-10

I confess - I need success in order to continue.  I cant help it - I need that feedback of "yes I did it" in order to continue on.  Few things make me happier than placing a checkmark on a to do list (to the point I will put things I've already done on the list to check it off!).  Also, I feel that if I set smaller goals/tasks/plans I am not as overwhelmed with the magnitude of some of the goals that I have.  I've been slowly working on a few goals the past little while.  Honestly, I'm not a "doer" so much as a "planner".  And though sometimes this works well, other times I spend more time on the planning and less on the doing.  That's why I'm also the kind of person that needs start dates and deadlines.  Therefore, For this week, I'm starting small.
1. Get up at 6am every weekday (and without snooze)
  • Next confession... I love to sleep!  Yes, I do, I love snuggling under the blanket in complete relaxation and warmth.  And I'm blessed with the ability to literally sleep anywhere and anytime.  What's better than a night time sleep - a nap...sigh, I love a good nap too
  • I've been doing a lot of reading and internet "research" on tips to getting up on time.  One of the things I've come across is cycling your sleep based on an REM Pattern - this means waking up when you aren't in your deepest sleep (check out WebMD for an explanation of REM sleep and Sleep Calculator).  I'm trying that out this week. 
    • Since I need to get up at 6  the recommended time is to be sleeping by 10:30 - I'm making sure I'm in bed with a book by 10:00
  • There are a tonne of websites dedicated to "how to wake up in the morning" each with it's own tips and ideas - I've narrowed things down to the few things I think make most sense for me (just Google "How to Get up In the Morning" - you'll find a tonne!).  This week I'm trying:
    • Moving my alarm away from my bed - and by away I mean away - I've moved it into the next room, which forces me to get up and out of bed.  I've also changed the alarm to the absolute loudest and most annoying sound I could find (because in addition to being able to sleep anytime and anywhere I can sleep through most things)
    • Powering down before bed - one of the consistent things I've read is to "unplug" before bed.  That the stimulation from all the games and bright lights from our phones/computers increases the activity in our brain in makes it harder to fall into a good REM sleep - it's suggested that you "power down" at least an hour before bed.  By leaving my alarm (which is also my phone) plugged in away from my bed, this will hopefully help out with this.
    • One thing I've been doing for the last several months has been no coffee after 7:00 - I've learned from my doctor, that just because I fall asleep easily, doesn't mean that the caffeine from coffee isn't affecting my sleep - again, it makes it harder to fall into a good sleep.
2. "Clean Up" My Fridge and Cupboards
  • Next week we are going to be starting a "30 Day Vegan Challenge" based on the book surprise surprise "The 30 Day Vegan Challenge Book" By Colleen Patrick-Goudreau.  She also has a website where you can sign up for support for 60 days or indefinitely http://www.the30dayveganchallenge.com for a cost.  I haven't decided if I am going to join this yet or not.  I feel the book has enough information in it, but will spend some more time on the website to help me determine whether or not I want to join the website challenge.
  • I had originally wanted to start the Challenge this week, but with the holidays, our fridge/freezer/cupboards are still pretty packed with left overs, and dairy products (I'm already vegetarian) and I can't let things go to waste, so we are having a "clean out the fridge" week, where we only eat or cook with what we already have. 
  • As well, I will do an expiry date clean out, and give everything a good scrub for a true fresh start!
3. Start the Simplify 101 Goal Workshop - With Hubby
  • As I said before, I completed this workshop last year, and absolutely loved it.  It was one of those things that just made sense to me, and matched with my own ways of thinking and planning.  It worked great for the two months I was actively engaged in the course, however, I overwhelmed myself with not listening to the advice on the number of goals we should set.  Since I found that most of the lessons and plans in the course terribly helpful, I wanted to try it out again. 
  • I really wanted to involve hubby this time.  For a couple of reasons.  Firstly, for moral support, as several of my goals involve him by proxy (for example, anything involving finances, home renos, travel), but also in hopes to encourage him to really delve in and seek out what his goals may be for the upcoming year and even further into the future.
That's my plan for the week.  I'm feeling pretty positive about it, it seems realistic and achievable to me - and gives me a chance to add a few checks on my list!


My 2015 Resoultions

After my blabbering yesterday regarding my process in deciding my resolutions, I figured I better share them!  They aren't quite fine tuned yet - I start my goal setting workshop on Wednesday to help with the goal setting part of that - but what I've decided to focus on this years falls within two categories...Less and More.
  • Of me! Yes, I continue on my weight loss journey, which I have now learned (after losing 60 lbs in 2008, and since then putting that 60 and 20 more back on...) is a life long journey and requires constant work.
  • Stuff!  I've always believed we leave a minimalist life, that by proxy of living in a condo we lived much more simpler that others...nope...as we moved a truckload of stuff between storage rooms, and more recently removing FIVE boxes of stuff being not used in the condo to said storage unit - I realized how much stuff we really do have.  Not only do I want to purge what I have, but I want to learn to want less as well (I have a slight love of shoes and stationary)  And not only less physical stuff, but less "life" stuff - learning the differences between needs/wants/musts
  • Stress! Self explanatory, and usually self induced.
  • Plugged in!  I LOVE technology - and I am probably overly addicted to it (Plants vs. Zombies anyone?).  I was a late to the cell phone person, however, since getting my first iPhone a couple years ago, I am more attached to it then I every expected....
  • Words!  I talk all to much...I often have verbal diarrhea and probably over share with most people.  I want what I say to mean more, not just be filler because I'm anxious, and silence is an anxious person's biggest foe.
  • Time!  I can't add hours to the day, but I know I can live my hours better
  • Presence!  I'm a victim of feeling the need to "capture" everything on camera, video, etc.  however I've also learned that this limits my ability to be present in the moment and enjoy what's going on.
  • Grateful!  I'm thinking this will go hand in hand with my wanting less stuff and stress - I want to be more appreciative and enjoy what I have
  • Relationships! I want to continue to work on my relationships.  Make a point of picking up the phone and calling people, dropping a letter or card in the mail, going for coffee.  Just spending more time with the important people in my life.
  • Thought!  To go along with my "less words" goal - I want what I say to be more meaningful, I really want to be able to listen to what others are saying (without thinking about what I'm going to say next), and be more thoughtful in my responses.
  • Patience!  I've been working in my own time to learn that everything isn't going to get done today.  This for me is the hardest resolution/goal/want for 2015.  It's also most likely why I struggle with maintaining resolutions (and why last year I set 47 goals).  I want everything NOW  and if things are moving to slowly (according to me) I get overwhelmed and shut down.
I think these overall "resolutions" - or promises to myself are good overriding themes for the year.  When I get more into my specific goals, I feel that each of these resolutions will be an inspiration to keep working at the smaller goals.  For the first time in a long time I am feeling good and ready to set forth.  I'm ok with only working on one or two things at a time.  I've accepted that not everything goes to plan, and I will work to be flexible in that, and to not let a bump in the road derail me for the entire goal.
Patience quotes
What are your resolutions for the year?  Be kind and patient with yourself!


New Years Resolutions

This time of year is always an interesting one.  It's a mix between having great hopes and plans for the upcoming year, but also the mourning of a year gone by - or perhaps a celebration of surviving the past 12 months.

But one thing that is sure, is being inundated on TV, Facebook, emails, posters, others on what will your New Year's resolution be.  It's so out there, you can't help but feel that you must make a resolution or if not you are somehow missing out.

I tend to prefer September as a new start - I think it's the whole transition to a new season, and I always loved going back to school!  I had a few goals that I set for myself then, because I also find the pressure of the "new year" can be overwhelming - I mean you just get through a season of absolute indulgence in most areas of life, and we are expected a week later to just "change".  And resolutions always seem so HUGE.  Losing weight, giving up alcohol, going to the gym 12 times a week, running a marathon, saying goodbye to sugar...it's all just so much and so big - it's a wonder so few people actually follow through with their resolutions

In preparing for the new year, and how I was going to "label" my new years "resolutions", I  decided to actually look up the definition of what a resolution is to help me out.  The Collins English Dictionary defines a New Year's resolution as "a promise to yourself or decision to do something, especially to improve one's behaviour or lifestyle in some way, during the year ahead".

I really like "a promise to yourself".  I think so often we make resolutions, shout them out on Facebook, or to whoever will listen in the hopes that sharing them and making them out loud will make them more real and hopefully others around you will make you be more accountable to sticking to them.  But in the end, if you don't truly make the promise to yourself, and want to do something for you it's very easy to let things slide.  It's easy to justify why you didn't go to the gym or why you ate a donut for lunch to someone else, but, you still need to live with you, and if you haven't completely bought into or are ready to pursue your resolution, I've learned that it just won't happen.  You have to start at the root.  YOU.  That is what I have been working on these last few weeks as I've been preparing for the new year.  My resolutions need to be for me.  They need to be meaningful to me.  I have to be ready and willing to make the changes, because in the end, I only truly need to be accountable to me.  I have to live in my head and with myself on a daily basis.  Because if I'm not willing to help myself and change myself, how can I expect others to help me and support me through the journey?

That's not to say I'm not going to take absolutely every advantage I have from the wonderful people that surround me.  I have a "weight loss" challenge set with hubby, sister #3 and brother in law.  Because what I have learned about myself, is if $$ or beating my husband is involved, I do work a bit harder...just to win.  A great friend and neighbour is a much more experienced vegetarian/vegan than I am and I will be picking her brain and asking for her support as much as I can - she's already started me off with a great cookbook for my birthday!  I have some great blogs that I follow and books that I'm reading for inspiration, ideas and plans.  I have a great group of co-workers who have helped me transition to a completely different position in the last year, and are no doubt a great source of cheer and support throughout the day - I mean, we probably spend as much time with our co-workers than our significant others!

This post was to share my thought process in setting or deciding on my "new year's resoultions".  I have learned it's so much more than just saying outloud "I will...."  there is so much more preparation involved, especially in mentally preparing yourself for the change.  Change isn't easy - but I'm ready for some!  This quote from Socrates sums it up I think...




Happy Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2015! 

I had to laugh that the last time I posted was exactly 1 year ago today...  I had big plans for the "Adorables" blog and business in 2014, but alas, here I am, no further ahead in that aspect than I was 365 days ago...  but onto new things!

Honestly, I set out in 2014 with absolutely huge plans and goals!  I signed up and took an amazing "how to achieve your goals" course through Simplify 101 throughout January and February, and can honestly say I kept up with it...for those 8 weeks.  One of the criteria and recommendations of the goal setting was to choose between one and seven goals, with ONE being your foreground (or main goal), and the others being background ones....  but of course I knew better what I can and can’t handle and as I now go though and debrief where things went awry I realize that I set well, FORTY NINE goals….seriously, FORTY NINE things I wanted to accomplish in 2014….

Seriously…I remember convincing myself that my goals were really only 7 – as they fell within 7 different life categories and the other 42 were just “smaller” goals to achieve the “big ones”…and I mean really, of course I can focus on more than one aspect of my life at a time….  Needless to say, the pace at which I would need to achieve the goals, was beyond unrealistic, and not at all sustainable, as I sit here a year later, and if I am honest with myself I achieved 6 of those goals…SIX….that’s a 12.2% completion rate…

However, I do have to say, that though I didn’t achieve all my goals, I did learn what my priorities were, as the goals that I did achieve fell in three life areas:  The maintenance and strengthening of relationships, financial management and travel.  I also learned that the things I originally felt were my first priorities really weren’t – and one that really surprised me was the care and success of my Etsy/Craft business.  I had BIG plans for it, but really found I lost my passion this year – it really felt like work for the first time in the 3 years I’ve been pursing it.  And I really had some great opportunities this year in expanding and getting my name and work out there…but my heart wasn’t in it.

Did I accomplish everything I’d set out to do on January 1, 2014?  Nope.  But to put it in sports terms, as I reflect on the past 12 months, I’m calling it my “rebuilding year”.  2013 was one of the most difficult years that personally and professionally I have faced, and 2014 allowed me an opportunity to rediscover who I am, what my passions are and what’s important to me. I think that in itself is a major accomplishment!

So, on New Years Day 2015, I’m sharing this quote with you and as a reminder to myself…
