
The Unhealthy Vegetarian

I confess, I am an unhealthy vegetarian.  Honestly, I assumed once I made the choice to be vegetarian, I would automatically become healthier and skinnier (at least that’s how it played out in my head…).    I became a vegetarian in June of 2012 – I’d been having some major “belly” troubles (irritable bowel syndrome) for nearly 6 years by that time, and my doctor had suggested cutting out certain items in my diet to see the effect on my stomach.  It started out with eliminating red meat which did make me feel way better, though I would continue to sneak it in at times, but I continued to struggle.  I had started to generally cook less with meat, but meat remained a major part of my diet.  Honestly, I made the decision to  “be vegetarian for a month” as a challenge with a friend after reading Skinny Bitch, and watching Food Inc on the Netflix.  Not only was I disturbed by the pictures and visuals of the treatment of animals, but also on how much our food in general has been modified, modified and modified. 
That month was June 2012, and after I had made the month - (and oh - my dear friend did not…;), I was really feeling better digestively, but also energy wise, and  my skin was looking better than it ever has.  I think I was so successful that month, because I really decided to educate myself on the effects of meat on our digestion, effects of the hormones we inject into animals to create “more” meat on them, and also on what I could eat as a vegetarian to ensure I continued to get the nutrients I needed.  I began reading labels more (did you know most marinara sauces have some form of a fish bi-product in them???), read books like Eat Clean Diet Recharged by Tosca Reno and started following a few blog like Oh She Glows and Clean Eating Chelsea.  And I worked at it.  I discovered it is definitely harder to meal plan and cook as a vegetarian than not - I was really finding it more inconvenient, and more difficult to maintain the healthy eating part, then when I could defer to a chicken breast and steamed veggies for a healthy supper.
Slowly over time, I continued to eliminate meat from my diet, but the healthy way of eating vegetarian became less and less...then winter hit.  The time where hibernation begins to sound like a wonderful idea, vegetables and fruits start to lose that great summer flavor, and all my body craves is CARBS CARBS CARBS….and well, carbs are vegetarian – choices changed from salads to pastas; from squash to potatoes; from wild rice to french fries. I would almost call myself a "non meat eater" versus a vegetarian as of late, as my food choices have honestly not consisted of that many "vegetables".....

Over the last few months, I've spent time reading and exploring again.  Trying to re-educate myself on better food decisions to help create life change and not necessarily a "diet". I've re read Eat Clean Recharged, and am working my way through the 30 Day Vegan Challenge, and also signed up for the Fresh Organic Options Delivery service here in Winnipeg to help get some fresh (and different) veggies to our door.
I'm officially starting the 30 day challenge tomorrow - I read the first 10 days of the book to help me prepare and get my mind around things again, so will extend my challenge past the 30 days of the book.  I'm also pretty excited for the challenge.  To get out of my habits and start thinking again of what it is I'm putting in my body - and to start making new, healthier habits!

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